Apex Legends Review. Personal Impression about the Game

Apex Legends is a team action game. The lack of solo mode is no coincidence (and it is still
unknown whether it will be able to add in the future without breaking the balance): most gameplay
mechanics is built on the interaction of players. After a game, you can check your stats on
Apex Legends Leaderboard on https://dreamteam.gg/apex. Also, there is a powerful Wiki that will help you to improve your skills.

The death of one of the allies is not a sentence. First, until he bled out or was killed by enemies,
a friend can be resuscitated. Second, even if it failed, the survivors there are as many as fifteen
minutes to rise from the corpse of a banner. It can be attributed to one of the beacons of the
Renaissance, where the deceased will return to life.

Apex Legends Characters on DreamTeam

A high value of TTK (time to kill, roughly speaking — how many bullets should be put into the enemy
to kill him) not only leads to a tightening of firefights but also negates almost all attempts to cope with
the enemy alone. Even with the best position to succeed to use it: wounded quickly heal, but if the
opponents stick together, then wait for the barrage of return fire. And that's without taking into account
the abilities of characters, and almost all of them have something that will help themselves and
colleagues to survive in combat or to escape. We have to stick together.

It is clear that it is better to act already played by the team, using voice communication, but the
matches with the "random" in the allies can also be very successful. Apex has a great tagging system
that helps you understand even the silent ones who prefer not to use a microphone.

Secret of success

What is it? Royal battle as such has long been no surprise, but Respawn Entertainment by some
miracle it happened. In fact, there is no miracle here, and there is a competent approach to
business — both direct developers and those who are responsible for the promotion and advertising
of the project. With the latter, everything is clear about the reasons and consequences of a sudden
release without foreplay, we have already said, but only this break into all sorts of tops will not work.

Apex Legends Map

The true reason is the successful combination of popular trends and almost perfect technical
performance. Everyone is tired of endless beta tests, for early access to which sometimes offer to
pay a lot of money. Here we give absolutely free polished product — take it and enjoy it. This is true
for the gameplay, and for all sorts of related aspects: in the presence of a lot of quality skins,
finishing, signs with statistics and other nice decorations. Lootbox can be purchased for real
money — while this is the only kind of "donation". It is clear that the free game is also a positive
effect on its popularity.

The only serious problem is the periodic departures from the game in the middle of the match.
But this is solvable and may be due to not designed for such a large load network
infrastructure — it is unlikely that the developers expected such success.

Personally, I Apex most impressed by the fact that the play is banal conveniently. Interface, skins of
weapons and characters pleasing to the eye, the system requirements are very democratic, and the
picture, despite the underlying Titanfall Engine old man Source, looks very nice. Management concise
and clear even for beginners: for example, automatic installation of modifications of weapons and
equipment allows you to maintain high dynamics of matches. The system of labels and
messages — a separate conversation: such a simple and pleasant to use means of communication
with random allies I have not met.

Thought and balance - while it is impossible to call unambiguously superior to other characters,
each is good in its own way and fully reveals the potential of their abilities only in teamwork.
